Thursday, February 27, 2014

SPRING BREAK 2014: Getting Bikini Ready

February 27th, 2014
         With Spring Break fast approaching, I (as well as many others) have put off getting in shape until the last minute. I'm naturally skinny to start with, so I (personally) see results very quick, but for others, it could take months. So I decided to put together a couple quick and easy workouts to get in shape and get the bikini body you've always wanted. I'll be dividing this up into parts, meaning what part of the body the exercise focuses on.

** THE ONE MINUTE RULE: When you start feeling like you can't hold it anymore or you feel a burn and your legs/arms feel like jell-o, go for one more minute to really make the exercise work.**


  • Planks
               This can actually work your arms and core. The key is to be COMPLETELY flat. Have a spotter if that helps you, otherwise look in a mirror or in anything that you can see your reflection. To start out, I like to hold it for 30 seconds, then build up the time as you feel more and more comfortable. Just know if you aren't pushing yourself, its not doing anything for you. 

  • Push Ups

              Pretty self explanatory. Start with 20 and build that up. Add on 5-10 each day to push yourself. If you're sore, you're doing it right.

  • Side Planks
              Lay on your side, now use your legs and arms to push yourself up, your entire right/left side should be in a straight line. Now extend your arm that is NOT supporting you straight up so you are making a 't' shape. Hold for 30 seconds and build on 10-15 seconds each day.

  • Planks and Side Planks
             (See 'Arms' section above)

  • 'L' sit ups
             I'm not quite sure what the correct name for these are, but basically you lay on your back, and put your legs straight up in the air. MAKE SURE YOUR KNEES ARE NOT BENT. Also, make sure you are not resting your legs on a wall or door. To get the full affect, you have to be holding your legs up on your own. Now, do sit ups, as you normally would. Start for 30 seconds and build up the time as you feel more comfortable. Try to use the One Minute rule for these too. If 1 minute feels too long, keep going for an additional 30-45 seconds.


  • Wall Sits
            Find a wall with nothing on it, now leaning against the wall, bend your legs so they are at a 90 degree angle, you'll notice this is the position you would be in if you were actually sitting in a chair. Hold for 30 seconds and build up the time. The One Minute rule should be rather easy to apply here.
  • Bicycles
           Lay on the ground on your back, bend your legs and lift your feet off the ground. Now move your (flexed) feet and legs in the motion you would as if you're peddling a bike. Start with however many you can do, then when you feel tired out, apply the One Minute Rule. (I'm not 100% sure what is normal to start at for this, the first time I tried to do these, I did 500 effortlessly, so either they're easy, or I have strong legs, which wouldn't be a surprise considering the sport I play involves a lot of leg work.)

  • Squats
           Pretty self explanatory, this is the most common butt exercise. Try spreading your feet farther apart and closer together after each set, you'll feel the difference. Make sure you go down where are knees are at a 90 degree angle, going all the way down does nothing for you. Hold 1-2 seconds when your knees are at a 90 degree angle. To make this harder, add weights.
  • Kardashian Butt Exercise
            I saw this in a magazine awhile ago about how Kim and Khloe get their butts. Go down on all fours, (use one leg at a time for this, do NOT switch.) Extend one leg straight back, then swing it around to the side, then fold it back in. Continue doing this WITHOUT LETTING YOUR FEET/LEGS TOUCH THE GROUND!! Start at 30 seconds or 1 minute and build on 15-30 seconds each day.
  • Wall Sits
         (See the above 'Legs'section.) 
I hope you all have a fabulous Spring Break!
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a fitness specialist, this is what I do, I'm not saying you have to do this or that this will work for you. This is just what has worked for you. Do not push yourself farther than what you can handle.